Incuded in Limitless Elite

Physical Examination

Our exam includes a thorough review of your mental and physical health history. We conduct a neurological assessment and evaluation of major systems to include heart, lungs, abdomen, head/neck, and extremities, as well as:

·       Environmental Health Review – We evaluate your interaction with your current environment and its potential to affect you in a variety of ways.  Your drinking water, food, quantity and quality of sleep, thought patterns, stress levels, cleaning products, skin products, and transportation choices can impact your health and well-being.  We recommend strategies to adapt to and thrive in a modern environment. .  We conduct a neurological assessment and evaluation of major systems to include heart, lungs, abdomen, head/neck, and extremities.  Additional assessments may be done as tests indicate.

·       Sleep Review – As sleep is integral to well-being, we evaluate your sleep cycles and work with you to reach optimal rest and recovery.

Additional assessments may be done as tests indicate.

Stress Training Technology
Biometric Monitoring